Leveraging Video in Your 2018 Digital Marketing Strategy

In the world of digital marketing, videos have become the most powerful form of content on the web. Video has an incredibly high message retention rate and has been shown to increase click-through rates up to 96%. With statistics like these, it’s no surprise marketers are rushing to add video into their digital marketing mix. There are a few things to keep in mind when building your video strategy.

Got Goals?

Before you start concepting and script writing, make sure you’ve got your primary goals in order. Are you trying to increase brand awareness? Drive lead generation? Build organic growth? Determining your goals will help you map out what types of videos to make and where to publish those videos. Maybe you’re launching a new product and you want to promote this product to your existing customers. A product demo video would be a great format to publish on your website as well as your social channels. Since your goals may include driving conversions, a paid spend to support these videos could give a great ROI.

Where Is Your Audience and Why Are They There?

As with all marketing strategies, taking the time to understand your target audience will pay off exponentially. What social media platforms are they using and how are they using them? This information will help determine the best length, format, and general makeup of your videos. Combining this knowledge with your video’s goals will lead you to create the right video for the right person at the right time. Is your audience browsing Facebook on their phone? A 30 second video that doesn’t require audio might be the best format. Are they on your website learning more about your product as they decide whether or not to buy? A longer form, more informative video could be the best bet.

Promote, Promote, Promote

So you’ve put a lot of time, energy, and resources into creating some beautiful video content. Now, you’ve got to get it out there for the world to see! Once you’ve determined your goals and taken the time to understand your target audience, it’s time to give your video some legs. While great content will likely garner some viral, organic reach, you may need to supplement that with a paid campaign. Making sure your video gets in front of the right eyes could mean putting a budget behind your promotion is necessary, just make sure to map your paid distribution to your goals and audience expertise.

Get More Mileage Out of Your Video

With all the hours put into creating a great video, it makes sense to get the most out of it. You’ve come up with a great concept and created some amazing content, how can you repurpose that to get even more use?

Make It a Blog

Blogs can take a long time to concept and write, but your video is a readymade outline that just needs to be put to words. Rework your video transcription into a copy friendly format, create a little additional content, add some links, and you’ve got yourself a great blog for use on your website or even a guest post for an industry influencer!

Cut It Up Into Smaller Pieces

If you’ve created a long form video piece, you could use smaller iterations of that video to use for promotion purposes or on social media. If you’ve created a nice long brand story for your home page, a shorter cut would be consumed a lot easier on social media. You could even create short GIFs or cinemographs.

With all video content, quality will help you stand out. Saturn Lounge specializes in video storytelling and creating compelling content to help you make a lasting impression. Take a look at some of our work or get in touch, we’d love to work with you.